"Former Black Panther Marshall Eddie Conway on Revolutionary Political Education in the Twenty-First Century"
by Anthony Bayani Rodriguez, PhD
The Journal of African American Studies, March 2017
Public link: http://rdcu.be/qtFf
Marshall “Eddie” Conway is a former Black Panther Party member and former political prisoner, who worked as the Baltimore chapter’s Minister of Defense until his imprisonment in 1971. In this interview, Conway speaks on his current activities as a community organizer in Baltimore, a public speaker, a journalist, and executive producer for the Real News Network. He also offers critical perspectives on various topics such as the limitations of contemporary mainstream “progressive” social justice activism, the 2016 presidential election and the history of white nationalism, and the revolutionary potential of contemporary urban food sovereignty movements. Featured in this transcription are Conway’s thoughts on the essential components for engaging in revolutionary political education within colleges and universities in the early twenty-first century USA.